Version in weißem, polymer gebundenen Kunstmarmor. Nummeriert, signiert und mit Gießerei-Stempel punziert. Limitierte Auflage 199 Exemplare. Auf Natursteinsockel 13,5 x 11 x 5,5 cm. Gesamthöhe 40 cm.
Version in white, polymer-bound art marble. Numbered, signed and tooled with Foundry stamp. Limited Edition 199 copies. On stone plinth 13.5 x 11 x 5.5 cm. total height 40 cm.
Version in white, polymer-bound artificial marble. Numbered, signed and hallmarked with foundry stamp. Limited edition 199 copies. In natural stone base 13.5 x 11 x 5.5 cm. Total height 40 cm.
version in a white, polymer bound kunstmarmor. numbered, signed with the stamp punziert. limited edition 199 copies. on natursteinsockel 13.5 x 11 x 5.5 cm. height of 40 cm.