es kann sein, dass ich im naechsten Monat nach Philippinen fliege, um die Frau zu treffen, die mich haben will. Sie will mich als gehorsamen Ehemann. Sie erwartet, dass ich alle ihre Wuensche und Befehle befolge, weil ich sonst ausgepeitscht werde.
It may be that I fly in the Philippines next month, to meet the woman that wants to have me. She wants me as a submissive husband. They expected that I follow all your wishes and commands, because I'm going else whipped.
it may be that I fly in the next month to Philippines to meet the woman who wants me. You want to register as obedient husband. They expected that I follow all their wishes and commands, because I am otherwise flogged.
it may be that i next month to fly to philippines, to hit the woman, wants me to be. she wants me to be a obedient husband. you expect me to all your wishes and commands follow, because otherwise i"ll be flogged.