Moritz Götze

Moritz Götze "erfand den Deutschen

Moritz Götze "erfand den Deutschen Pop, rehabilitierte die Historienmalerei, holte die allegorische Kunst zurück ins pralle Leben.", schrieb der Spiegel 2012. Mit seiner eigenwilligen Kreuzung aus Pop Art und Geschichte ist Götze Deutschlands wohl ungewöhnlichster Historienmaler.

Gutaussehende Männer, schöne Frauen, qualmende Zigaretten, Blumensträuße und Zeppeline bevölkern sein Werk, das aus Serigrafien, Plastiken, keramischen Wandarbeiten und Zeichnungen besteht. Der "Bildersaal deutscher Geschichte", ein Buch von 1890, das ihn schon als Kind faszinierte, dient ihm noch heute als Inspiration für sein Werk.

Götze wurde 1964 in Halle an der Saale geboren. Der Sohn eines Künstlerehepaares und gelernte Möbeltischler verkaufte bereits im Alter von neun Jahren seine erste Arbeit. Nach seiner Ausbildung schlug er sich als Möbelrestaurator und Hilfsarbeiter in einer Kohlenanzünderfabrik durch und spielte nebenbei in verschiedenen Punkbands.
Im Jahre 1985 schuf Götze seine ersten Serigrafien und begann anschließend mit dem Aufbau einer eigenen Grafikwerkstatt. Noch vor dem Mauerfall wurde er im Verband Bildender Künstler der DDR aufgenommen.
Zwischen 1991 und 1994 hatte Götze eine Lehrtätigkeit für Serigrafie an der Hochschule für Kunst und Design in Halle (Burg Giebichenstein). Es folgte eine einjährige Gastprofessur für Serigrafie an der Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts in Paris.
Das Land Sachsen-Anhalt zeichnete den Hallenser 1996 mit dem Kunstförderpreis aus und ein Jahr später erhielt er den Grafikpreis der „Vereinigten Zigarettenfabrik Dresden“.

Neben zahlreichen Einzelausstellungen und Ausstellungsbeteiligungen in Deutschland, Belgien und den USA arbeitete Götze auch an einer Vielzahl von Projekten, wie beispielsweise an der keramischen Wandgestaltung für den Lichthof des Messehauses Specks Hof in Leipzig (1994/95) und an der Gestaltung für die Leipziger Buchmesse (2000). Des Weiteren machte er sich als Buchillustrator sowie Autor vieler Bücher und Aufsätze einen Namen. Moritz Götze lebt und arbeitet heute als freischaffender Künstler in Halle an der Saale.

Die Materialien eigener Bildfindung sind für Moritz Götze Kulturgeschichtliches und Kunsthistorisches, der Blick zurück in die Gesellschaftsgeschichte unseres Landes, aber auch Wahrgenommenes aus dem direkten Lebensumfeld – urbane Szenerien oder Gegenstände des Alltäglichen. Dabei bedient er sich eines comicartigen Malstils, der nicht mit der herkömmlichen Pop-Art identisch ist.

Götzes inhaltlicher Schwerpunkt aber ist die Beschäftigung mit der deutschen Geschichte und hier steht er – wenn auch ganz unterschiedlich – in der Tradition von Anton von Werner, Arnold Böcklin, Franz von Stuck, Jörg Immendorff, Penck oder Anselm Kiefer ohne jedoch deren jeweiligen mythologischen Bezug aufzunehmen. Es ist ein solitäres Werk. Er ein Künstler, geprägt durch zwei Deutschlands, zeigt seine Sichtweise ironisch und geschichtsversessen zugleich.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Moritz Götze "invented the German pop, rehabilitated the history painting, brought the allegorical art back in the bulging life.", der Spiegel wrote 2012. With its idiosyncratic crossing from pop art and history is Germany's probably most unusual history painter Idol. Handsome men, beautiful women, smoking cigarettes, bouquets and zeppelins populate his work, which consists of Serigraphies, sculptures, ceramic wall works and drawings. The "image Hall of German history", a book of 1890, which fascinated him as a child, he still serves as inspiration for his work.Götze was born in 1964 in Halle an der Saale. The son of artist and trained cabinetmaker already sold his first work at the age of nine. After his education he worked as a furniture Restorer and laborer in a coal lighter factory and played in several punk bands along the way. In 1985, created his first Serigraphies Idol and then began the construction of an own graphic workshop. Before the fall of the wall, he was inducted into the Association of visual artists of the GDR. Between 1991 and 1994, Idol had a teaching position for serigraphy at the University of art and design in Halle (Burg Giebichenstein). It followed a one-year visiting Professorship for serigraphy at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure of des Beaux Arts in Paris. The Saxony-Anhalt was the Halle 1996 awarded the art Prize and a year later he received the prize "The United cigarette factory in Dresden". In addition to numerous solo exhibitions and group exhibitions in Germany, Belgium and the United States Idol Specks Hof in Leipzig (1994/95) and to the design for the Leipzig book fair (2000) also worked on a variety of projects, such as, for example, at the ceramic wall decoration for the atrium of the exhibition house. In addition, he made a name as a book Illustrator and author of many books and articles. Moritz Götze lives and works now as a freelance artist in Halle/Saale. The materials of your own image making are cultural and art history, the look back in the history of our country, but also perceived from the direct living environment - urban scenes or objects of everyday life for Moritz Götze. He uses a cartoon-like style, which is not identical to the traditional pop. Gacheru thematic areas but is dealing with the German history and here he - if quite different - in the tradition of Anton von Werner, Arnold Böcklin, Franz von Stuck, Jörg Immendorff, Penck or Anselm Kiefer without however to make their respective mythological reference. It is a solitary work. He an artist, characterized by two in Germany, shows his ironic and fond of history at the same time.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Moritz Götze "invented the German Pop, rehabilitated the historical painting, took the allegorical art back to full life." Wrote the mirror 2012. With its distinctive cross between Pop Art and History Götze Germany is probably the most unusual history painter. Handsome men, beautiful women, smoldering cigarette, bouquets and zeppelins inhabit his work, which consists of serigraphs, sculptures, ceramic wall works and drawings. The "hall of paintings of German history," a book of 1890, which fascinated him as a child, it is still used as inspiration for his work. Idol was born in 1964 in Halle an der Saale. The son of an artist couple and trained cabinetmaker sold his first work at the age of nine years. After his training he made ​​his way as a furniture restorer and navvies in a Kohlenanzünderfabrik and played by passing in various punk bands. In 1985, his first idol created serigraphs and then started to build its own graphics workshop. Even before the Wall came down, he was admitted Visual Artists of the GDR in the federation. Between 1991 and 1994 had an idol teaching for serigraphy at the College of Art and Design in Halle (Burg Giebichenstein). This was followed by a one-year visiting professorship for serigraphy at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts in Paris. The state of Saxony-Anhalt recorded the Halle in 1996 with the Art Award and a year later he received the Graphic Award of the "United cigarette factory Dresden". In addition to numerous solo exhibitions and exhibitions in Germany, Belgium and the United States also worked Götze on a variety of projects, such as the ceramic wall design for the atrium of the Fair Building Specks Hof in Leipzig (1994/95) and on the design for the Leipzig Book Fair (2000). Furthermore, he made ​​as a book illustrator and author of many books and essays a name. Moritz Götze now lives and works as a freelance artist in Halle an der Saale. The materials own imagery are for Moritz Götze Kulturgeschichtliches and Kunsthistorisches, looking back into the social history of our country, but also perceived from the direct living environment - urban sceneries or objects of everyday life , He uses a comic-like painting style, which is not identical to the conventional pop art. Gotze's major focus, however, is the study of the history of Germany and here he is - though very different - in the tradition of Anton von Werner, Arnold Böcklin , Franz von Stuck, Jörg Immendorff, Penck or Anselm Kiefer but without receiving their respective mythological reference. It is a solitary business. He an artist, marked by two of Germany, showing his view of history, ironic and crazy at the same time.

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
Moritz idol "invented the German pop, rehabilitated the history painting, sought and verified the allegorical art back to life. ", wrote the mirror 2012. With its unusual intersection from Pop Art and History is arguably Germany's idol ungewohnlichster history painter.

Good-looking men, beautiful women, smoking cigarettes, bouquets and zeppelins are populating his work,The From Serigrafien, sculptures, ceramic hung immediately next and drawings. The "Picture Gallery (Bildersaal) German history", a book of 1890, was fascinated by the him even as a child, serve him today as the inspiration for his work.

idol 1964 born in Halle/Saale.The son of a cabinetmaker Kunstlerehepaares and learned as early as at the age of nine years sold his first work. After his training he hit as Mobelrestaurator Kohlenanzunderfabrik and unskilled workers in a way through and played in various punk bands.
In 1985 his first idol Serigrafien created and began with the development of its own graphic shop. He was before the fall of the Berlin Wall in the Association of Artists of the GDR.
Between 1991 and 1994 had a teaching for Serigraph idol at the School of Art and Design in Halle (Burg Giebichenstein).This was followed by a one-year visiting professorship for Serigraph at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts in Paris.
The Land of saxony-anhalt with the prize for 1996 awarded the Halle and a year later he received the capitalize the "United cigarette factory Dresden".

In addition to numerous solo and group exhibitions in Germany,Belgium and the United States also worked on Idol a variety of projects, such as the ceramic wall design for the atrium of the Messehauses Specks Hof in Leipzig (1994/95) and in the shaping of the Leipzig Book Fair (2000). He further as well as Alfred Leopold Isidor Kubin as author of many books and essays a name.Moritz Idol now lives and works as a freelance artist in Halle/Saale.

The materials are their own picture search for Moritz idol cultural and art history, looking back into the suffused our country, but also perceived from the direct living environment - urban scenes or objects of everyday life.He uses a comicbook Malstils, not with the traditional pop art is the same.

Gotzes main emphasis, however, is content with the German history and here he stands - if very different - in the tradition of Anton Werner, Arnold Boecklin, Franz von Stuck, Joerg Immendorff,Penck or Anselm Kiefer but without their respective mythological reference. It is a singular work. He an artist, shaped by two Germany, ironically and geschichtsversessen also shows his point of view.
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