Mit Leonardos vermutlich letztem Bild verbindet sich eine ungewöhnliche Geschichte: Es entstand um 1513/16 als "Johannes der Täufer", wurde jedoch um 1695/1702 zu einem "Bacchus" umgearbeitet.
An unusual story connects with Leonardo's probably last picture: it was built in 1513/16 as "John of the Baptist", but was rewritten to 1695/1702 to a "Bacchus".
With Leonardo probably last image combines an unusual history: it was built around 1513/16 as "John the Baptist", but was fashioned around 1695/1702 to a "Bacchus".
Leonardo's Last image probably connects with an unusual history: it was made around 1513/16 as "John the Baptist", but was to 1695/1702 to a "Bacchus" rewritten.