Übergroß sind die Köpfe dieses Inka-Paares. Charakteristisch für den Inka-Stil ist die starre Haltung mit steif auf Brust oder Bauch gelegten Armen und die immer gleiche Haartracht. Original
The heads of this Inca pair are oversized. The rigid stance with arms stiff at chest or belly and the same hairstyle is typical of the style of the Inca. Original
About Great are the heads of this Inca couple. Characteristic of the Inca style is the rigid posture with stiff down to chest or abdomen poor and always the same hairstyle. Original
The heads are oversized this Inka-Paares . A characteristic feature of the Inka-Stil is the rigid attitude on the chest or abdomen with stiff the poor and the same hairdo. Original