Lichtobjekt 2011 aus Draht, Kunststoff und Holz, teilweise bemalt, mit elektrischem Dimmer, Auflage 150 Exemplare, nummeriert und handsigniert. Höhe 62 cm, Breite 31 cm, Tiefe 14 cm.
Light object 2011 from wire, plastic and wood, partially painted, with electric dimmers, Edition 150 copies, numbered and signed. Height 62 cm, width 31 cm, depth 14 cm.
Lichtobjekt 2011. wire, plastic and wood, partially painted, with electric dimmers, edition 150 copies, numbered and signed. Height 62 cm, width 31 cm, depth 14 cm.
lichtobjekt 2011, wire, plastic and wood, partially painted, with electric dimmer, edition of 150 copies, numbered and signed. height of 62 cm, width 30 cm depth of 14 cm.