Die fünf Forderungen des Kung-fu-tse (geb. 551 v. Chr.) Menschenliebe, Rechtlichkeit, Ehrerbietung, Wahrheit und Treue bestimmen Jahrhunderte lang die geistige Tradition des riesigen Reichs
The five demands of the Kung Fu tse (b. 551 BC) Philanthropy, rightness, deference, truth and loyalty determine the intellectual tradition of the huge Empire for centuries
The five demands of kung fu tse (born 551 v. Chr.) Philanthropy, honesty, respect, truth and loyalty determine for centuries the spiritual tradition of the vast empire
The five demands of the Kung-fu-TSE (born 551 B.C. ) loving kindness, rectitude, honor, truth, and fidelity determine for centuries the spiritual tradition of the vast empire