Understatement pur sind die Schmuckstücke "Queen Bee". Zuchtperlen mit Messingelementen, die mit 24 Karat vergoldet sind, stehen im Mittelpunkt der Ohrringe. Länge je 3,5 cm, Klappbrisur.
Understated jewelry "Queen Bee" are pure. Cultured pearls with brass elements, that are gilded with 24 carat are at the heart of the earrings. Length 3.5 cm, Stud.
Pure understatement are the jewels "Queen Bee". Cultured pearls with brass elements are gold plated with 24 carat gold, are at the center of the earrings. Length per 3.5 cm, Klappbrisur.
fresh pure are the jewels "queen bee". cultured with messingelementen, 24 carat gold-plated, are at the heart of the earrings. length per 3.5 cm, klappbrisur.