In aufwändiger Handarbeit werden bei der Skulptur "Der Violinist" Teile aus Metall gehämmert, geschliffen und zusammengeschweißt. Eine Mehrfach-Bemalung bringt immer neue Schattierungen hervor, sodass jedes Stück zu einem Unikat wird.
In elaborate handmade hammered at the sculpture "The violinist" parts made of metal, polished, and welded together. A multiple painting produces new shades, so each piece is unique.
Exquisite craftsmanship "The Violinist" metal parts are used in the sculpture hammered, sanded and welded together. A multiple-painting always produces new shades, so that each piece is a unique piece.
in more elaborate handcraft in the sculpture "the violinist" parts of metal hammered, cut and welded. a multiple paint always brings new shades out so that each piece unique.