Sandrs, das war der Bilderbogen vom Genfersee. Vom See her habe ich die Gegend im Lavaux bisher nicht gekannt. Mit der Bahn von Bern her hat man den Traumblick auf den See runter. Gute Nacht. Bussi
Shayan, that was the image gallery from Lake Geneva. By the sea I didn't know so far the area in Lavaux. By train from Bern here is the stunning views down the Lake. Good night. Bussi
Sandrs, that was the picture book from Lake Geneva. From the lake I have never known the area in Lavaux. By train from Bern you have the dream overlooking the lake down. Good night. kiss
sandrs, that was the bilderbogen from lake geneva. by the sea, i have the area in the lavaux, not known before. the train of bern was the beautiful lake down. good night. peck