Ilse Aichinger: Das Fenstertheater
Die Frau lehnte am Fenster und sah hinüber. Der Wind trieb in leichten Stößen vom Fluss herauf und brachte nichts Neues. Die Frau hatte den starren Blick neugieriger Leute, die unersättlich sind. Es hatte ihr noch niemand den Gefallen getan, vor ihrem Haus niedergefahren zu werden. Außerdem wohnte sie im vorletzten Stock, die Straße lag zu tief unten. Der Lärm rauschte nur mehr leicht herauf. Alles lag zu tief unten. Als sie sich eben vom Fenster abwenden wollte, bemerkte sie, dass der Alte gegenüber Licht angedreht hatte. Da es noch ganz hell war, blieb dieses Licht für sich und machte den merkwürdigen Eindruck, den aufflammende Straßenlaternen unter der Sonne machen. Als hätte einer an seinen Fenstern die Kerzen angesteckt, noch ehe die Prozession die Kirche verlassen hat. Die Frau blieb am Fenster.
Results (
English) 1:
Ilse Aichinger: The window TheatreThe woman turned to the window and looked over. The wind drove up in light bursts from the river and brought nothing new. The wife had the stares of curious people who are insatiable. It had done her no one favor, to be shut down in front of her house. In addition, she lived in the penultimate floor, was too low down the road. The noise swept only more slightly up. Everything was too low down. When she wanted to turn away from the window, she noticed that the old man to light was turned on. Since it was still quite light, remained this light for themselves and made the strange impression that make up flaming street lights under the Sun. As one would have connected the candles on its Windows, still before the procession left the Church. The woman stayed at the window.
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Results (
English) 3:
Ilse Aichinger: The Fenstertheater
Die woman leaned at the window and saw over there. The wind floated in light impacts of the river and brought nothing new. The woman had the rigid view of curious people, which insatiably are. It had done its still nobody to the favours before their house to be down-driven. In addition it lived in the next to last stick, the road lay too right at the bottom.The noise rushed only more easily up. Everything lay too right at the bottom. When it wanted to turn away just from the window, she noticed that the old person had turned in relation to light. Since it was still completely bright, this light for itself remained and made the strange impression, which flashing street lights under the sun make. As if one would have stuck the candles on at its windows,still before the procession left the church. The woman remained at the window.
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