Band 1: 494 Seiten | Tagebuch + Collagen | fünf Ausklapper | Band 2: Bildunterschriften aller Fotos | private Aufnahmen | eine Bibliografie | Filmografie | ein Verzeichnis aller Ausstellungen | leinenbezogener Schuber | Format 21,8 x 31,6 cm
Band 1: 494 pages. Diary + collages | five from rattling. Volume 2: captions of all photos | private recordings. a bibliography | Filmography | a directory of all exhibitions. linen-related slipcase. Size: 21.8 x 31.6 cm
Volume 1: 494 pages | Diary + Collagen | five foldout | Volume 2: Captions all photos | private shooting | a bibliography | filmography | a list of all exhibitions | linen related slipcase | Format 21.8 x 31.6 cm
Volume 1: 494 pages | Diary | collages | Five foldings Volume 2: Captions All Photos | Private | Recordings | Bibliography | Filmography | a directory of all exhibitions | leinenbezogener slipcase Format 21.8 x 31.6 cm