Das Nächste, woran ich mich erinnere, ist die Ermordung F. Kennedys. Für mich WB7 Cr eilt Idol. Ich hatte ihn ein jahr vor seinem Tod einmai gesehen, als er einen Deutschlandbesuch machte
The next thing I remember, the f kennedy assassination. for me wb7 cr rushes idol. I had seen him mashing a year before his death, when he made a visit to Germany
The next thing I remember is the assassination of F. Kennedy. for me, WB7 CR rushes Idol. I had seen a year before his death once, when he made a visit to Germany
The next, that I remember, is the murder F. Kennedys. Für me WB7 CR rushes to idol. I had seen it one year before its death in May, when he made a visit of Germany