Hallo Tanyaluk,
vielen Dank für deine schnelle Antwort. Wann und wo möchtest du deinen Master machen. Bei uns ist die nächste Möglichkeit in Stuttgart. Es gibt eine S-Bahn Anbindung nach Stuttgart.
Hier sind ein paar Aufgaben für du die Verantwortung trägst:
Montag bis Freitag Kinderbetreuung:
Morgens die Anziehsachen für Elfi aus dem Schrank legen, Frühstück für den Kindergarten zubereiten und einpacken, Elfi um 7:00 Uhr wecken, Anziehen und in den Kindergarten bringen (5 min Fuß weg) ca.6:30 bis 8:00 Uhr 1,5 h
Elfi vom Kindergarten abholen 16:00 Uhr (Mo, Di, Do) und mit ihr Spielen drinnen oder draußen je nach Wetter 16:00 - 18:30 2,5 h
Elfi vom Kindergarten abholen 14:00 Uhr (Mi, Fr) Fr Turnverein 14:30 - 15:30 1,5 h (nur hin bringen und abholen - 2 min Fußweg vom Kindergarten) Danach mit Elfi Spielen bis 18:30 Uhr 3,0 h (nur Mi)
Für den Mittwoch wollen wir noch einen Schwimmverein finden, wo Sie ihr Seepferdchen Kurs machen kann. Das haben wir aber jetzt noch nicht organisiert. Im Mai wird Elfi 4 Jahre und danach können wir Sie anmelden.
Ggf. mit Elfi Abendessen vorbereiten und Tisch decken (aber nur wenn wir später nach Hause kommen) 18:30 - 19:00 0,5 h
Arbeiten im Haushalt
8:00 bis 10:00 Uhr oder zu einer anderen Zeit, das kannst du dir selbst einteilen.
Montag Staubsaugen und Boden wischen, Wäsche waschen und aufhängen 2 h
Dienstag Bügeln 2 h
Mittwoch Kinderzimmer aufräumen, Fensterbänke abwischen, 2 Bäder reinigen 2,0 h
Donnerstag Bügeln, Staubsaugen und Boden wischen 2,0 h
Darüber hinaus gehst du mit Elfi zum Arzt oder sonstige Termine und Veranstaltungen im Kindergarten. Du übernimmst die Ganztagsbetreuung, wenn der Kindergarten geschlossen ist oder Elfi krank ist.
Die anfallenden Überstunden werden durch zusätzliche Arbeitsfreietage ausgeglichen.
Ich hoffe ich konnte dir einen kleinen Einblick geben. Was interessiert dich noch? Was möchtest du noch wissen? Bitte frage einfach.
Gruß Anett
Results (
English) 1:
Hello Tanyaluk, Thank you for your quick response. When and where you want your master. Here is the next possibility in Stuttgart. There is a train connection to Stuttgart. Here are a few tasks for you carry the responsibility: Monday to Friday Babysitting: Morning put the clothes for Elfi out of the closet, prepare breakfast for the kindergarten and Pack, Elfi at 7:00 am wake up, tighten and bring in the kindergarten (5 min walk away) ca. 6:30 to 8:00 1.5 h Elfi kindergarten pick from 16:00 (MO, di, do) and their games inside or outside depending on the weather, 16:00 18:30 2.5 hours Elfi from kindergarten 14:00 (Wed, Fri) FR Turnverein 14:30 15:30 pick up 1.5 hours (just bring and pick up - 2 min walk from the kindergarten) followed by Elfi games until 18:30 3,0 h (Wed only) For the Wednesday, we want to find even a swimming club, where you can make your seahorses course. We have not organised but now even that. Elfi 4 years in May and then we can log on. If necessary with Elfi prepare dinner 18:30 19:00 cover table (but only if we later come home) and 0.5 h Work in the household 8:00 to 10:00 or at another time, you can classify it yourself. Monday vacuuming and floor wipe, wash and hang 2 h Tuesday iron 2 h Wednesday clean up nursery, wipe window sills, 2 bathrooms clean 2.0 h Thursday, ironing, vacuuming and floor wipe 2.0 h In addition leave you with Elfi to the doctor or other dates and events in the kindergarten. You take the full-day care, if the kindergarten is closed or Elfi is sick. The accumulated overtime compensated by additional public floor. I hope I could give you a little insight. What do you still care? What else you want to know? Please just ask. Greeting Anett
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Results (
English) 2:
Hello Tanyaluk,
thanks for your quick reply. When and where you want to make your master. With us is the next option in Stuttgart. There is a tram connections to Stuttgart.
Here are a few tasks for you're in charge:
child care Monday to Friday:
morning, put the clothes out of the closet for Elfi, prepare and pack breakfast for kindergarten, Elfi at 7:00 clock wake up, dress up and bring in the nursery (5 min walk away) about 6: 30 to 8:00 Clock 1.5 h
Elfi from kindergarten to pick up clock 16:00 (Mon, Tues, Thurs) and with their play indoors or outdoors depending on weather 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 2.5 h
Elfi from kindergarten to pick up 14:00 clock (Wed, Fri) Fri Turnverein 14:30 - 15:30 take 1.5 hours (only now and pick up - 2 minutes walk from kindergarten) Then with Elfi games until 18:30 clock 3.0 hours (Wed only)
For Wednesday, we want to find a swimming club where you can make her seahorse course. We have not yet organized now. In May Elfi is 4 years and then we can register you.
If necessary, Prepare with Elfi dinner and table cover (but only if we later come home) 18:30 to 19:00 for 0.5 h
8:00 bis 10:00 clock or at a different time, you can yourself . divide
Monday wipe vacuuming and floor, washing clothes and hang 2 h
Tuesday ironing 2 hours
Wednesday to clean up the nursery, wipe window sills, 2 bathrooms clean 2.0 h
Thursday ironing, vacuuming and floor wipe 2.0 h addition you go with Elfi to doctor or other appointments and events in kindergarten. You take the full day care when the nursery is closed or Elfi is sick. The excess hours are compensated by additional non-working days. I hope I could give you a little insight. What interests you more? What would you like to know? Please just ask. Greeting Anett
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Results (
English) 3:
Hello Tanyaluk, thanks for your fast answer
vielen. When and where you would like to make your master. With us the next possibility is in Stuttgart. There is a rapid-transit railway binding to Stuttgart. are more
Hier a few tasks for you the responsibility carry:
Montag until Friday child care:
Morgens the attraction things for Elfi from the cabinet put,, Elfi prepare and pack up breakfast for the kindergarten around 7:00 clock wake, to tightening and into the kindergarten bring (5 min foot away) ca.6: 30 until 8:00 clock 1.5 h
Elfi of the kindergarten fetches 16:00 clock (Mo, Di, DO) and with their playing inside or outside depending upon weather 16:00 - 18:30 2.5 h
Elfi of the kindergarten fetch 14:00 clock (Mi, Fr) Fr gymnastics club 14:30 - 15:30 1,to 5 h (only bring and fetch - 2 min footpath from the kindergarten) after it with Elfi Spielen until 18:30 clock 3.0 h (only Mi)
Für Wednesday want we still another swimming club to find, where its sea horse course you can make. We did not organize that however, now yet. In May Elfi will know 4 years and afterwards we you to register.
Ggf.with Elfi Abendessen prepare and table cover (however only if we come later home) 18:30 - 19:00 0.5 h
Arbeiten in the household
8: 00 until 10:00 clock or at another time, which you can be divided.
Montag dust eyes and ground wipe, to laundry wash and hang 2 h up
Dienstag handles 2 h
Mittwoch children's rooms clear up, window sills wipe off, 2 baths clean 2.0 h
Thursday handles, dust eyes and ground wipe 2.0 h
go beyond that you with Elfi to the physician or other dates and events in the kindergarten. You take over the full-time day care, if the kindergarten is closed or Elfi suffer is.
Die resulting overtime becomes balanced by additional work-free days.
Ich hope I could you a small insight give.What interests you still? What would you like to still know? Please ask simply.
Gruß Anett
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