Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dich zu kuscheln, meine Liebe.Ich wäre bald bei dir und würde dich lieben wie nie zuvor.Ich möchte Ihnen all meine Worte körperlich zeigen, wenn ich in die Schweiz komme.
I can not wait to cuddle you, my Liebe.Ich would soon be with you and would love you as never zuvor.Ich you want to show all my words physically, when I come to Switzerland.
I can't wait to cuddle you, my dear. I'd be with you soon and I'd love you like never before. I want to show you all my words physically when I come to Switzerland.
I can't wait to cuddle you, my love. I'll be with you soon and I'll love you like never before. I want to show you all my words physically when I get to Switzerland.<br>