Limitiert, 250 Exemplare | Farblithografie auf Bütten | gerahmt | Format 67,5 x 89,5 cm | Angebot hier: Exemplar vor der Auflage von 250 ohne typische Mittelfalte
Limited to 250 copies sold. Colour lithograph on laid paper. framed | 67.5 x 89.5 cm. Offer here: copy before the edition of 250 without typical center fold
Limited, 250 copies | Colour lithograph on arches | framed | Format 67.5 x 89.5 cm | offer here: copy before the edition of 250 without typical centrefold
Limited edition, 250 copies on handmade paper lithographed | | | framed 67.5 x 89.5 cm format | offer here: copy before the edition of 250 without typical Mittelfalte